One of the most profitable aspects of attending a conference is the Q&A session. It’s typically the session where you can hear the speakers talk openly and freely about various topics related to life, ministry, and doctrine. This video is from the 2013 Shepherds’ Conference Q&A session and you will find it worthy of your time.
Some Thoughts On Ministering to the Sick and Dying – Kevin DeYoung provides some helpful considerations for pastors and the church as a whole. He writes, “Open the Bible. Read the Bible. Teach the Bible. If our theology doesn’t help when people are sick and dying, what good is it?”
Janet Mefferd interview: “Passing Through” – Jeremy Walker was interviewed by Janet Mefferd, and you will find the interview worthwhile. Jeremy Walker’s interview begins at 24:28. Likewise, you can find his book Passing Through on Amazon.
Is the Existence of the NT Canon Incompatible with Claims of New Revelation? – Michael Kruger writes, “In terms of the modern church, there are great lessons to be learned here. For one, we ought to be equally cautious about extravagant claims that people have received new revelation from heaven. And, even more than this, the Montanist debate is a great reminder to always go back to Scripture as the ultimate standard and guide for truth. It is on the written word of God that the church should stand.”
Read Scripture – The same people who have brought The Bible Project have also delivered another tool to help you read (and pray) through the Bible. You will find this to be a helpful tool.
Slain in the Shadow of the Almighty – 60 years ago today – Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Flemming, and Roger Youderian were speared to death on a sandbar called “Palm Beach” in the Curaray River of Ecuador.