Yes, I believe in Him
who is almighty, Father, God,
who made all things in heaven, earth,
who made them very good.
Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ,
God’s only Son, our Lord,
begotten by the Spirit
and of Virgin Mary born.
Who under Pontius Pilate’s hand
was scorned and suffered grief;
who then was crucified and, dead,
laid in a borrowed grave;
who from descent to depths of earth
the third day rose again,
ascended into heaven
where He sits at God’s right hand.
From there one day He will return
to judge the souls of men;
the small and great, living and dead,
must all before Him stand.
Yes, I believe the Holy Ghost
is very God who calls
the penitent to His true church,
where each communes with all.
Yes, I believe God does forgive
the sins of those who come
to Him confessing Jesus Lord
and trusting in His name.
Yes, I believe the righteous dead
Christ’s resurrection share,
that blessed life with Him for all
eternity is theirs.
—David Oestreich (2014)