“But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects in to Him who is the head, even Christ.” Ephesians 4:15

In publishing this article, I do so in the complete understanding that there are many who will read this who will not concur with the position I am presenting. I am not at all naive to that reality.

Nevertheless, the truth needs to be told.

Perhaps if I were writing this with the goal of making friends, such an outcome would be of concern to me. However, making friends is not my objective. It is to speak boldly about a troublesome and, more importantly, sinful issue that has been avoided and ignored for far too long now: racism among black (professing) Christians.

[Insert “Gasp!” here.]

This is a very serious issue that has been kept on the down-low long enough. It is a Teflon® issue for black Christians; never really “sticking” to us simply because we are black.

Racism among black Christians is a problem facing the global Church of Christ, not merely the so-called “Black Church” (and by “Church of Christ” I am speaking in ecclesiastical, not denominational, terms.) 

I raise this concern within the paradigm of my own experience, having observed and interacted with many black Christians on matters of politics in general and, more specifically, the politics of the Obama administration, which espouses and promotes some of the most unbiblical tenets of any presidential administration in the history of the United States, and yet received upwards of 97 percent support among black voters (not all of whom are Christian, I know, but who, nevertheless, voted for Obama simply because of the color of his skin.)

You know who you are.

Although the legacy of the Obama presidency has yet to be determined, it is no less a present-day reality that one thing his election in 2008, and re-election in 2012, has achieved, is as an impetus to many black Christians to express the racist sentiments that were already present within the hearts of many of them who professed to be born-again, Holy Spirit-regenerated believers. (Of course, those to whom that reality would actually apply would never admit it because, after all, it’s not “Christian” to be racist.)  


You mean, racism isn’t Christian?!


Well, with apologies to Tina Turner, I have to ask, what’s theology got to do with it?

I mean, after all, why bother applying a biblical apologetic to racism while continuing to support someone whose policies are blatantly unbiblical? 

Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

Look, let’s get real about this, okay? The truth of the matter is many blacks who “claim” to be followers of Jesus Christ, and who portray that role impeccably on the outside, are nothing more than pseudo-Christian racists in their heart, having allowed themselves to be influenced by the color of a person’s skin than by the Word of God (which they profess with their mouth to believe.) If these people were honest, in modeling true and consistent Christlike character, they would have to acknowledge this to be true about themselves, but they dare not.

For some absurd reason many blacks, let alone black Christians, have collectively adopted the notion that simply because they are black that they can’t be racist. They just can’t be (as if skin has something to do with sin.)

Racism is sin. Period.

Sin has has to do with the condition of the heart, not with one’s race or ethnicity.

If the Word of God isn’t applicable to every aspect of your earthly life, including political, then why apply any of it?


If you profess to be born-again but know in your own heart that race is something that shapes and influences your thoughts and actions on political matters, so much so that you don’t even care that someone supports the murder of unborn children through the full 9-month term of the pregnancy (as Obama does), or that he or she advocates men being allowed to “marry” other men, and women other women (as Obama does), you need to do one of two things: repent and ask God’s forgiveness, or, evaluate whether you belong to Him at all.

You see, as Christians, we are commanded to “not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them” (Ephesians 5:11). Or, is it that you consider yourself to be a special kind of Christian; someone who “disagrees” with God that abortion and same-sex marriage, two issues which both Barack and Michelle Obama wholeheartedly advocate are, in fact, “evil” by God’s standards? Or, do you deem such a question irrelevant because you subscribe to the idea that theology and politics are somehow to be considered as tantamount to oil and water?

When, as those who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ, we support any politician or political platform, regardless of office, whose policies are anathema in any way to the principles and precepts set forth in the Word of God, then we have, in truth, become active participants in the “unfruitful deeds of darkness.”

It is time to stop turning a blind eye to the reality of racism among black Christians, as if they are somehow immune from such ungodly attitudes.

At some point you’re going to have to decide whether you want to be racist or Christian. It’s either one or the other. You cannot live a both.

There are no asterisks in the Bible. None. As such, there can exist no such duality as that of a “racist Christian.”

There can be no place in God’s Church for racism regardless of race. There is no excuse or argument that anyone could proffer in opposition to this. Racism is completely antithetical to the nature and character of God Himself and to the new nature of those He has called to follow Him (if, in fact, you have been called.)

God Himself is not One to show partiality and as imitators of His character, neither should we. Regardless our political or ideological persuasion, it is the Word of God that should always remain paramount in shaping our worldview, including our politics.

Think about it.


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Author Racism Among Black Christians: The Elephant in the Church

Darrell B. Harrison

Lead Host Just Thinking Podcast

Darrell is is a native of Atlanta, Georgia but currently resides in Valencia, California where he serves as Dean of Social Media at Grace To You, the Bible-teaching ministry of Dr. John MacArthur. Darrell is a 2013 Fellow of the Black Theology and Leadership Institute (BTLI) of Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey, and is a 2015 graduate of the Theology and Ministry program at Princeton Theological Seminary. Darrell studied at the undergraduate level at Liberty University, where he majored in Psychology with a concentration in Christian Counseling. He was the first black man to be ordained as a Deacon in the 200-year history of First Baptist Church of Covington (Georgia) where he attended from 2009 to 2015. He is an ardent student of theology and apologetics, and enjoys reading theologians such as Thomas Watson, Charles Spurgeon, and John Calvin. Darrell is an advocate of expository teaching and preaching and has a particular passion for seeing expository preaching become the standard within the Black Church.