One of the greatest problems for the Christian is their lack of prayer. In all of the planning, preaching, and planting of churches, the one thing that is often lacking is prayer. How can we lead effectively without prayer? How can we preach with the anointing of the Holy Spirit without prayer? How can we plant churches in accordance with God’s will without prayer? How can we grow in our spiritual lives without prayer?
J.C. Ryle, in his commentary on Matthew 9, writes,
“Personal working for souls is good. Giving money is good. But praying is best of all. By prayer we reach Him without whom work and money are alike in vain. We obtain the aid of the Holy Spirit. Money can hire workers. Universities can give learning. Congregations may elect. Bishops may ordain. But the Holy Spirit alone can make ministers of the Gospel, and raise up lay workmen in the spiritual harvest, who need not be ashamed. Never, never may we forget that if we would do good to the world, our first duty is to pray!”
Charles Spurgeon, in his autobiography, writes,
Methinks every true Christian should be exceedingly earnest in prayer concerning the souls of the ungodly; and when they are so, how abundantly God blesses them and how the church prospers (Autobiography, 1:329)!
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, in What is an Evangelical? writes,
This element of prayer is essential to the evangelical; it is his life; it is vital to him (58).
Paul Washer will be preaching the final message of our G3 Conference in January. Today we are announcing that in the final message of the 2013 G3 Conference, Paul Washer will preach on the subject of prayer and the importance of prayer for Christian ministry and mission!
Make your plans to join us in January! Click here to register (remember this event is limited to 1,000).
Pastor Josh Buice
G3 Conference
Twitter – @G3Conference