Lo, God is here; let us adore,
and own how dreadful is this place;
let all within us feel His pow’r,
and humbly bow before His face.
Who knows His pow’r, His grace who proves,
serve Him with awe, with rev’rence love.
Lo, God is here, whom day and night
united choirs of angels praise;
to Him, enthroned above all height,
the host of heav’n their anthems raise.
Disdain not, Lord, our meaner song,
who praise Thee with a stamm’ring tongue.
Almighty Father, may our praise
Thy courts with grateful fragrance fill;
still may we stand before Thy face,
still hear and do Thy sov’reign will.
To God whom earth and heav’n adore,
be praise and glory evermore.
—Gerhard Tersteegen (1729)