September 11–12, 2024 Lakewood, CO

G3 Biblical Worship Workshop

2 Timothy


Truly Spirit-led worship is that in which the forms, elements, and content are shaped, guided, and filled with the Spirit-inspired Word for the purpose of the disciplined spiritual formation of his people.

—Scott Aniol

Who should come to the workshop? 

Pastors and other men who have a shepherding role in the planning and leading of worship in the local church, as well as those men who have their sights set on serving in worship in the future, are invited to join us. Whether you are a seasoned pastor looking to sharpen your understanding of biblical worship or a man who is just beginning on the journey of learning to plan worship around God’s Word, you will greatly benefit from these workshops. The ultimate desire for each participant is that they make progress, regardless of where they are in the journey.

What must I do to prepare? 

Each participant will be assigned a biblical passage prior to the workshop. You will use the “G3 Biblical Worship Worksheet” to complete exegetical work for your assigned text and plan a gospel-shaped service based on your text so that you may present your work to your small group and discuss it together to help one another make progress. In order to better prepare, we will provide a video that gives instructions for completing the worksheet.

What should I expect?

The workshops are not a conference and thus will be open to a limited number of men. They are designed around three components: instruction in foundational principles, small groups, and model services. The large group instructions will cover topics like why biblical worship matters, what should be included in worship, how worship should be ordered, and many other practical considerations. The small groups are where participants will work together in putting these foundational principles into practice in their worship planning and share feedback with one another. Finally, the model services are opportunities for attendees to see and participate in biblically faithful worship that is gathered around the Word as we seek to sing, pray, read, preach, and hear the Word of God.


The two days of a G3 Biblical Worship Workshop are rigorous, but incredibly rewarding— filled with rich teaching, edifying small groups, and biblically faithful models of worship.

Day 1

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

8:00 AM

Check-in & Breakfast

8:45 AM

Plenary Session 1: Biblical Authority

Scott Aniol

9:45 AM


10:00 AM

Plenary Session 2: The Shape of Worship

Matt Sikes

11:00 AM


11:45 AM

Small Groups

1:30 PM


1:45 PM

Plenary Session 3: Service Planning

Matt Sikes

2:45 PM


3:00 PM

Small Groups

4:30 PM


4:45 PM

Model Service

Scott Aniol & Laramie Minga

6:00 PM


Day 2

Thursday, September 12, 2024

8:00 AM


8:30 AM

Plenary Session 4: Reading and Preaching the Word

Laramie Minga

9:30 AM


9:45 AM

Small Groups

11:15 AM


11:30 AM

Plenary Session 5: Singing and Praying the Word

Matt Sikes

12:30 PM

Lunch (Leader Q&A)

1:30 PM

Plenary Session 6: Giving, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper

Scott Aniol

2:30 PM


2:45 PM

Small Groups

4:15 PM


4:30 PM

Model Service

Jonathan Dingledine & Matt Sikes

6:00 PM



There are a limited number of early-bird registrations available. Register soon!

Refund Policy: We keep our workshops and registration costs small. Because of this, every dollar is expended in hosting the workshop and we are unable to provide refunds.

Limited Seating

General Registration


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