This workshop is designed to equip men in the church to handle God’s Word accurately. The goal is to train pastors to grow as expositors in the pulpit and all men to grow in their ability to teach Scripture to both the church and their families. While attending a conference can offer good models of expository preaching and teaching, these workshops are designed to equip you with the tools to grow as a biblical expositor.
One of the foundational goals of the G3 Conference is to come alongside local churches and help in providing good tools, resources, and training opportunities in order to make local churches more healthy.
In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19-20). The spiritual growth of every disciple of Jesus Christ and his church depends on an increasing knowledge of and obedience to the Word of God. This demands that we accurately handle God’s Word as we teach those in our homes and churches. As Paul commanded Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15).
G3 is committed to providing biblical training that equips men and women to make disciples through the accurate and clear teaching of God’s Word through expositional ministry.
Look at the trajectory of the pulpit and you will see the trajectory of the church. If the pulpit ministry is anchored deeply in the biblical text, the church will grow deeper and stronger. If the pulpit ministry of the local church is shallow and driven by culture, the church will be dragged along behind it.
In an attempt to encourage and invest in local churches, we are offering workshops on expository preaching. These workshops will be designed to invest in the ministry of various pastoral levels from the beginner to the more advanced. We will likewise be offering biblical expository workshops for women who teach in their home and the local church setting.
All preaching must be expository preaching if it is to conform to the pattern of Scripture.
G3 2024 | Expository Preaching Workshop
Book of the Bible: Colossians
Getting the Text Right and Across
Faithful Bible preaching and teaching require that we “get it right” and “get it across.” We must “rightly handle” the Scriptures in order to be certain that we are teaching the original meaning of the text (“get it right”). In addition, we must learn to communicate God’s Word to others so that they both understand its teaching and are compelled to commit themselves to obey its teaching (“get it across”).
What Is Involved In the Workshop?
In each workshop, the participants will work through a book of the Bible over the course of two days, developing and sharpening their exegetical skills. There will be instructions that will teach hermeneutical principles, the essential tools for discovering the biblical text’s original meaning, and instructions on moving from one’s exegetical work to a sermon/lesson. Participants will also be part of a small group where they will work together through assigned biblical texts to implement the principles and tools. Finally, each day there will be a time of hearing God’s Word preached.
Our desire is that you will leave the workshop with a firm grasp on understanding the biblical book studied over those two days. In addition, each workshop will focus on a different Scriptural genre in order to broaden the preacher’s/teacher’s ability to rightly handle God’s Word (e.g., Epistles, Narrative, Poetry).
What is the skill level required for the workshop?
Whether you are a seasoned pastor looking to grow as an expositor or one who is just beginning on the journey of learning to preach or teach God’s Word, you will greatly benefit from these workshops. Paul told Timothy about his labor in God’s Word, “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress” (1 Tim 4:15). Therefore, the ultimate desire for each participant is that they make progress as a biblical expositor.
What must I do to prepare?
Each participant will be assigned two passages before the workshop. You will use the G3 exegetical worksheet to prepare so that you may present your work to your small group and discuss it together to help one another make progress. There will usually be two individuals presenting in each passage. In order to better prepare, we will provide a video that gives instruction for completing the worksheet.
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