In recent years, there has been an ongoing push for Disney to create LGBT characters. One online petition has over 650 signatures and continues to grow. Interestingly enough, another online petition to boycott an LGBT agenda in “Beauty and the Beast” currently has over 102k signatures. Disney, like many other production companies, is set to change the image of homosexuality in the public’s eye through their new live-action film based on their classic — “Beauty and the Beast.” According to a prominent British gay lifestyle magazine, this is “a watershed moment for Disney.” That statement is based on the leaked information that has now surfaced in preview screenings and interviews about the upcoming film set to be released on March 17th.
At various times, Christians align and call for boycotts on companies who promote policies that violate Christian principles or teach harmful theology. There may be a need to boycott a specific organization or company at times, but for the most part, I don’t engage in the boycott agendas. For instance, I still drink Starbucks. I still wear Nike products. I order my Starbucks from an Apple device and then pay for it with my Starbucks app. I don’t always play the boycott game.
However, there may be times when we should refrain from supporting entertainment outlets and businesses that teach false doctrine. For instance, drinking Starbucks coffee doesn’t engage my mind with an unbiblical worldview, but going to a movie that teaches the same worldview of Starbucks’ executives could be harmful. Wisdom is necessary at this point since Scripture is silent on the subject of boycotts.
The movie, “Beauty and the Beast” is not like drinking Starbucks coffee. It will display information in form of powerful graphics and surround sound on the big screen, and those scenes are loaded with teachable moments. Beware of the damage that a little scene in a movie will have upon your children. No matter how flamboyant or subtle the scene may be, it will be used as a lesson for you and your children.
“Beauty and the Beast” — Normalizing What Is Abnormal
We have been fighting a war in America over language, restroom privileges, and same-sex marriage for years now. That war has, in many ways, been won by a minority of people who have used their “minority” status to leverage support and sympathy. In the landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America on June 26th, 2015, their five to four ruling did more than liberate a segment of the American population. Their ruling was a redefining and total overhaul of marriage from its original design. Chief Justice Roberts, in his dissent said, “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not a legal judgment.” [1] In their act of will, they rewrote the dictionary by the power of a single vote. He who controls the dictionary controls the minds of people.
In essence, the Supreme Court of the United States took the abnormal and made it normal by a single vote. For years Hollywood has been working to normalize the homosexual lifestyle. From subtle roles in sitcoms to leading personalities such as Ellen, the lifestyle of homosexuality has been paraded before the eyes of the American public for years with a clear agenda to make it normal. If enough people will continue to see it, they will start to become desensitized to it. Much like the American people have become desensitized to the culture of death in the legalization of abortion. It’s legal, so it must be normal—right? But now, it’s not a sitcom, a daytime talk show, or a late night comedy, it’s Disney, a company that makes its fortunes on children and families.
According to Bill Condon, the director of “Beauty and the Beast” — this film will contain a character who is confused about his sexuality. While same-sex attraction is a temptation that many people fight against, this new Disney film is positioned to make it normal to act upon those feelings. Josh Gad, one of the lead actors in the film, tweeted that he was “beyond proud” to be playing such a groundbreaking role. In an interview with Attitude magazine, Bill Condon says:
LeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston…And Josh makes something really subtle and delicious out of it. And that’s what has its payoff at the end, which I don’t want to give away. But it is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie.
“Gone with the Wind” broke the MPAA profanity ban in 1934 by using one single profane word. In 2013, the movie “Wolf of Wall Street” used the “f” bomb 506 times. What was once abnormal has been made normal to the eyes and ears of the entire world. If the Supreme Court of the United States couldn’t make homosexuality normal, now Disney has joined arms to assist. Human sexuality, as God once defined it in creation, has now been redefined and altered. Who controls the dictionary, Disney or God?
The Responsibility of Parents
Notice the rating of the movie. The film is rated “PG” and will be viewed by many families and young children. Many of these families and young children will be faced with a powerful display of a gay relationship in ways that only Hollywood can depict it — in a fictional manner that veils the broken road of homosexuality. Hollywood has made billions by creating fake worlds, fictional characters, and false relationships. This will certainly fall into line with other false realities created by Hollywood, only this time it’s their “watershed moment” according to the director.
As parents, we have a responsibility to care for and instruct our children in truth (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 20-25). Taking the family to a theater, placing a box of popcorn and a coke in the hands of your children, and allowing them to be taught a subtle lie of homosexuality on the big screen will have an impact upon their understanding of human sexuality at some level. Even if it’s just a few bricks, your children are steadily building their worldview one block at a time. Sometimes children need to be taught why we don’t go to all movies, and this could be a good step in the right direction in assisting the construction of your children’s worldview.
Engage the Culture with Love and Truth
One blogger said, “I want my kids growing up in a world where they are taught to love EVERYONE and I think Beauty and the Beast did a wonderful job reinforcing values that I want my kids to have.” While we should care for all people, showing acceptance for people’s sinful lifestyle choices should not be equated with love. In fact, it could be argued that subjecting your children to scenes of homosexuality at impressionable ages is actually unloving to your own children as it causes confusion on the subject of human sexuality.
Wisdom is necessary in how we respond to a culture who hates God. However, we are called to respond. A boycott is not enough. The church in America is much smaller than we realize. We can’t expect to change the culture through restrictions, blog posts, and boycotts. We must engage the culture with truth, and this must be done in a winsome and loving manner.
When Paul arrived in Ephesus and witnessed a city filled with pagan idolatry and sexual perversion, he didn’t call for the disciples there to boycott. Instead, he engaged the culture of Ephesus with the gospel. According to the account in Acts, “Paul has persuaded and turned away a great many people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods” (Acts 19:26). It was through his preaching that people were moved to believe the gospel and became followers of Christ. The preaching of the gospel was so successful that it damaged the sales of the silversmiths who made a living constructing false gods. This resulted in a massive riot in Ephesus.
Riots are not the goal in gospel ministry, but if they come, may it be said that they were the result of gospel preaching instead of mere boycotts. Martyrdom is not our goal as followers of Christ, but if they kill us, let it be the result of our gospel message rather than our choice of retail stores. My family will not be seeing “Beauty and the Beast,” but I’m not trusting in my abstinence from this film as a means of solving our cultural problem. It will take much more than a boycott. We need clear gospel preachers in the pulpit and in the home who believe the gospel, teach the gospel, and live gospel focused lives in the face of a pagan culture.