In 2014, Sinclair Ferguson preached in the Desiring God National Conference. His subject was “Union with Christ: Life-Transforming Implications.” You will find this sermon helpful and encouraging to your walk with Christ.
The Bestsellers: The Harbinger – Tim Challies explains why The Harbinger is a distraction to true biblical prophecy and should not be taken seriously.
When You’re Not a Typical Woman – Abigail Dodds writes, “In my conversations with ladies of many ages, I’ve noticed that we have varying understandings of the typical woman, but few of us think of ourselves as one.”
The Freedom to Blame the Potter: Steve Tassi’s Video Reviewed – James White responded to this video from Steve Tassi he titled, “James White: The Freedom to Blame the Potter.”
“God Made Me for China” — Eric Liddell Beyond Olympic Glory – Albert Mohler writes, “As Olympic glory shines from Rio, Christians must remember that Olympic glory will eventually fade. There will be medalists for all to celebrate in Rio. But, will there be another Eric Liddell?”
A Few Thoughts About Education – No matter where you stand on the subject of public school, everyone who claims the name of Christ must think critically about the new hurdles within the American public school education system.
$5 Friday: Creation, Perseverance, & Jonathan Edwards – As always, Ligonier has provided some good books for $5 (Friday only).
Theology Word of the Week: Nicene Creed
Nicene Creed. Originally the theological confession resulting from the first Council of Nicaea (a.d. 325), convened by the emperor Constantine to resolve church divisions related to the Arian controversy (see Arianism). The creed reflects the teaching that the Son is of one substance with the Father (see homoousios). The Nicene Creed recited in churches today resembles the original, but having been revamped at the Council of Constantinople (a.d. 381), the current version is longer and excludes certain original phrases. [1]
- Sinclair B. Ferguson and J.I. Packer, New Dictionary of Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 84.