In this video, James White explains the core doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). This is a helpful explanation, especially in our day when people are trying to embrace Mormons as another denomination of Christianity.
And so-and-so Begat so-and-so — Do the names in the Bible really matter?
The Necessity of Effectively Communicating to Children — “What do they hear you, your pastors, or their Sunday school teachers saying about God when they hear talk about “the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”? What do they hear us saying when we say we believe in Jesus Christ, God’s “only begotten Son”? What do they hear if we use the words “Holy Ghost”? Do they understand what is being said when we use words like heaven, faith, soul, or salvation? We can only find out by asking them.”
The Problem with Love Languages – Three-Minute Thursdays #3 — If you’re a big fan of The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, you may want to brace yourself.
John Piper on How the Psalms Change You — I’m thinking you will want to get a copy of this forthcoming book.
The Nashville “Megachurch” That Embraced Gay Marriage Two Years Ago Has Cratered — “This is a sad but predictable result of a pastor who leads a church to apostatize from the Christian faith. Walking away from Jesus is not a catalyst for church growth.”
Poll: Majority Of Evangelicals Would Support Satan If He Ran As Republican Candidate — The Bee stings again…
The Power of Common Words — “In this brief clip from his teaching series Learning to Love the Psalms, W. Robert Godfrey encourages us to pay attention to the common words in Scripture as he explains the usage of “hand” in Psalm 77.”
$5 Friday: Worldview, Apologetics, & Grace — More good books for only $5—only good on Friday.
G3 Conference | Discipleship — The 2018 G3 Conference will be held in January and the focus will be on discipleship. With plenary sessions dedicated to various different subjects related to discipleship along with valuable breakout sessions—you can customize your conference to your needs as an individual believer. Register today and join us this January.