Many people have been converted while listening to a sermon by Paul Washer that has been labeled, “The Most Shocking Youth Sermon.” It has been watched millions of times on YouTube. In this short interview, Paul Washer explained the context of that sermon and what was taking place prior to him taking the pulpit.
3 Reasons Not To Homeschool – In pointing to one of the reasons, Christina Fox explains, “Fear is a lousy motive for anything. Scripture is clear we are not to live a life of fear, whether it’s fear of people, circumstances, the future, or anything else. We shouldn’t homeschool because we fear something bad will happen to our children.”
Platforms Are For Anti-Christs – Part 1 – Thabiti Anyabwile, in his sermon at Legacy Conference 2015, made the following statement, “Platform may just be a modern word for ‘god complex.'” You can likewise read Part 2 here.
G3 Conference 2016 – While 2016 may seem like a long way off, the G3 Conference held each year in January typically fills up quickly. We would encourage you to join us.
Preaching an Exclusive Gospel an in Inclusive Age – Dr. Steven Lawson, in his article over at OnePassion Ministries, writes, “In light of these distortions, the apostle Paul could no longer remain quiet. He penned this fiery epistle to the Galatians in order to fight the noblest fight any preacher could undertake. Paul fought for the hard-and-fast truth that salvation comes through the grace of God alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.”