As a long distance runner, I really enjoyed this video by Desiring God. However, I’m quite sure that non-runners will likewise find it encouraging. God wrote a book!
Dividing Line – Alpha & Omega Ministries – James White discusses the Roman Catholic Church, Bart Erhman and a biblical variant, and he ends by discussing Hillsong.
Sex is More AND Less Important Than You Think – Trevin Wax points out the cultural problems with sex and rightly describes what God expects from His church. He writes, “The Church must not only say that sex is serious, but also show this to be the case. To ‘put sex in its place’ means that Christians will need to take sexual sin more seriously than our culture does.”
The 6th Planned Parenthood Video – Justin Taylor gives a quick rundown of the undercover videos, and gives a summary of the most recently published – video #6.
Target to Move Away From Gender-Based Signs – Denny Burk points to a recent news story that reveals the cultural agenda to move away from gender distinctions. He writes, “We’ve gone from traditional gender distinctions being outmoded to being “harmful”? Is it really “harmful” for the Barbies to be in a different section from the G.I. Joes?”