In the latest Look at the Book video, John Piper covers Romans 15:8-9 asking and answering the question – “Why did Jesus come into the world?”
Are You a Universal Church-er or a Local Church-er? – Jonathan Leeman makes the case that balance is needed when talking about the church. Too heavy on the universal side will be unbalanced and unhealthy, but to never reference the universal church is likewise problematic.
Amazon announced Monday it has partnered with the British government on a pilot program for its automated drone deliver… – Like it our not, technology is advancing and changes will eventually fly right over your head – literally.
Paul Washer Gives Young Men Counsel About Life – “You live in a culture that wants to keep you as a boy until you’re 35.”
3 Handy Shortcuts to Generate a Passage List – If you’re looking for helpful shortcuts in Logos Bible Software, you can often find them on the Logos site.
(Perhaps) The Most Insightful Interview You’ll Read This Election Year – Justin Taylor pointed to this interview with J.D. Vance, a graduate of Yale Law School graduate who grew up in dysfunctional Appalachian poverty and is the author of the new book, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and a Culture in Crisis as a the most encouraging interview of this election season.
Abraham’s Great Act of Faith – R.C. Sproul writes, “Apart from Christ’s obedient sacrifice, probably the greatest act of faith in fear and trembling recorded in all of Scripture is the obedient response of Abraham when God commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac.”
What’s So Bad About Christian Radio? [HT: Mike Leake] – “Contemporary Christian radio does not exist to teach. It exists to entertain with Christian-themed content.”