The Friday afternoon questions and answers session from the 2018 G3 Conference included a great conversation between several of the speakers within the conference—on various topics related to discipleship, preaching, and other important issues.
You can now watch all of the sessions from the 2018 G3 Conference on the website.
Why Is the Abortion Industry Run by Women? — “We can’t debate our way out of this madness because self-destructive frenzy can only be dealt with by prayer and fasting. Rational arguments and reasoned discourse don’t work on insanity. But we can look to Christ who is certainly capable of taking us by the hand and lifting us up.”
Does James 2:24 Deny Justification by Faith Alone? — “I’m convinced that we don’t really have a conflict here. What James is saying is this: If a person says he has faith, but he gives no outward evidence of that faith through righteous works, his faith will not justify him.”
How Can We Know That the Bible is from God? — “All those who desire to obey God will know by the very words of the Bible that it is indeed from God himself. There is no lack of proof for the truthfulness of the Bible, rather the problem lies in the sinful blindness of all those who willfully continue in their rebellion against God.”
2018 National Conference Media Now Available — If you missed the 2018 Ligonier Conference, you can watch the sessions online.
The New Calvinism — Here is a review of my new book on the subject and you can also see the short video promo here.