DBG Spotlight (3-1-17)

Josh Buice

In the 2017 G3 Conference, Paul Washer preached on a very important subject—biblical ecclesiology.  What he says at the very beginning is extremely important and you will want to make note of it.

Three Lies We Might Easily Believe — “Each lie is believable, in its way. So we don’t defeat the lies by pushing back with our own beliefs, which are little more than stabs at truth. We push back by declaring God’s Word, which has a decisive finality our own little thoughts cannot generate.”

Redeemer Presbyterian Church pastor Timothy Keller announced Sunday he is stepping away from the pulpit — Tim Keller made it known this week that he will be moving forward in a different role starting in July.

Salvation Belongs to the Lord! — What Spurgeon said from Jonah 2:9 is key to understanding the fact that the Lord owns salvation and man doesn’t.

Episode 3: On Sermon Application — Jonathan Leeman and Mark Dever talk about sermon application and how many preachers who are weak in this area of preaching could do better.

The Two Things We Must Say About the Transgender Debate — Kevin DeYoung makes some helpful points on this controversial issue in our modern culture.

A Deep Life is a Good Life — “Why are people so unhappy in their work? No matter how much they are paid, so few people seem to have any satisfaction in what they do.”

The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer — Tim Challies writes the following in his review of Gosnell, “When Americans were first battling to secure the right to abortion, many Christians offered a solemn warning: To devalue life in the womb is to devalue life everywhere. To permit abortion is to introduce into society a culture of death that will inevitably lead to much wider destruction. Never has this been so clearly seen as in the scandal of Kermit Gosnell.”

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Author DBG Spotlight (3-1-17)

Josh Buice

Pastor Pray's Mill Baptist Church

Josh Buice is the founder and president of G3 Ministries and serves as the pastor of Pray's Mill Baptist Church on the westside of Atlanta. He is married to Kari and they have four children, Karis, John Mark, Kalli, and Judson. Additionally, he serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. He enjoys theology, preaching, church history, and has a firm commitment to the local church. He also enjoys many sports and the outdoors, including long distance running and high country hunting. He has been writing on Delivered by Grace since he was in seminary and it has expanded with a large readership through the years.