DBG Spotlight (2-22-17)

Josh Buice

In the 2017 G3 Conference, Tim Challies preached on the subject, “Let the Gospel Give You Your Song.” He emphasized how the Reformation changed how we sing in worship. I encourage you to listen to / view his sermon.

Eight Ways to Preach the Resurrection — David Murray provides some helpful information on a very important subject for preachers (and all Christians).

Good News and Bad News: God Doesn’t Change — “God offers certainty in an uncertain world because He can only speak truth, and He can only promise what He will certainly deliver. And that unwavering nature has eternal ramifications for every single person on the planet.”

Submit to the new sexual orthodoxy or risk losing everything — “My one day of questioning is nothing compared to what Ms. Stutzman has gone through in all of this. Pray for her and her husband. She is happy to serve gay people in her flower shop. She always has been and always will be happy to do that. She is simply asking that the state not coerce her to participate in a gay wedding. If the Supreme Court denies her that simple accommodation, the consequences will be devastating not only for her but for all of us.”

How mobile technology is transforming lives in rural India — This is one more story of how technology is progressing, but we still have much work to do in harnessing technology for the spread of the gospel.

1 Peter 5:8–9: Kept by God Day by Day — What exactly does it mean to be kept by God?

7 Trademarks Of An Unhealthy Friendship — Paul Tripp provides some helpful information here.

Why Every Preacher Needs “The Doctor” — If you don’t read (or listen) to D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, you should, and here are some good reasons why.



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Author DBG Spotlight (2-22-17)

Josh Buice

Pastor Pray's Mill Baptist Church

Josh Buice is the founder and president of G3 Ministries and serves as the pastor of Pray's Mill Baptist Church on the westside of Atlanta. He is married to Kari and they have four children, Karis, John Mark, Kalli, and Judson. Additionally, he serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. He enjoys theology, preaching, church history, and has a firm commitment to the local church. He also enjoys many sports and the outdoors, including long distance running and high country hunting. He has been writing on Delivered by Grace since he was in seminary and it has expanded with a large readership through the years.