In the 2007 Ligonier National Conference, Contending for the Truth, Albert Mohler preached on the subject of the “Authority of Scripture.”
Francis Schaeffer’s ‘How Should We Then Live?’—40 Years Later – Mohler writes, “How should we then live? That question which troubled Schaeffer so much in 1976 troubles all of us now. We’re about to find out if Christians in this generation are going to believe and to live authentic biblical Christianity. How will we live now?”
What Is Thanksgiving Day? – “Thanksgiving is an American holiday that stretches all the way back to a time long before America became a nation. The Pilgrims landed in 1620. They faced brutal conditions and were woefully unprepared. Roughly half of them died in that first year. Then they had a successful harvest of corn. In November of 1621 they decided to celebrate a feast of thanksgiving.”
Made for Another World: Remembering C.S. Lewis – “For a growing number of us, Lewis occupies a class to himself. Few, if any, have taught us so much about this world, and the next, save the Scriptures…His writings are pervasively thoughtful, engaging, provoking, and rewarding. He will not disappoint.”
9 Things You Should Know About C. S. Lewis – Another reminder of the influence and value of C. S. Lewis’ writings.
Why Christian Kids Leave the Faith – This article from Tim Challies is a must read for all parents.
Parents: It’s Time to Wake Up About Pornography, Sexting, and Your Children – Much wisdom here from Randy Alcorn.
8 Theses That Helps Us Think Biblically about Transgenderism – Michael Kruger writes, “I am thankful for RTS Charlotte’s Dr. James Anderson, associate professor of theology and philosophy. In the video below, Dr. Anderson addresses our students at a lunch-time conversation on the issue of transgenderism. It is a wonderfully clear and concise treatment of this important subject.”