Today a big announcement is being made by Founders Ministries regarding a very important documentary that chronicles the story of how we’ve arrived at the very juncture of the modern downgrade of the SBC. I want to explain why this is so important and how you can get involved.
By What Standard? God’s World, God’s Rules
Growing up in a Southern Baptist Church setting as a boy, I heard stories about how the liberals entered seminaries, rose to rank in the SBC, and turned the ship down a liberal path. The stories I heard were shocking.
After sensing a call to serve the Lord in pastoral ministry, I moved to Louisville, Kentucky with my wife and soon I would learn the name Molly Marshall, I would read the book A Hill on Which to Die by Paul Pressler, and I would watch the film “Battle for the Minds” in a summer elective course taught by Dr. Russell Moore. I would learn more stories regarding the horrible theological liberalism that nearly sank the largest Protestant denomination in America. The story of the conservative resurgence of the SBC is one unique chapter in church history, however, it seems as if we are at another crossroads where some within the ranks of the SBC are determined to take the SBC down another broken road of theological liberalism. The question remains, by what standard are they leading and making such decisions?
During the 2019 SBC meeting in Birmingham, we were told by the Resolutions Committee that Critical Race Theory is merely an analytical tool by which we can assess our culture. That is simply not true. The social justice train continues to steamroll through denominational structures, seminaries, and local churches. Methods such as intersectionality must not be embraced as a mere analytical tool. We’re being asked to replace theology with victimology, swap pastors for sociologists, and trade theologians for political activists. By what standard are such decisions being made?
Today, we have a movement that insists on normalizing soft complementarianism, soft intersectionality, and in the blink of an eye—the SBC will be too far gone to recover from the storm of social justice. Sadly, there are many people in the SBC who are caught up in the social justice movement out of emotion or sympathy for the perceived victims of our day. In reality, a small number of players understand the big picture agenda of deconstructionism and the power grab tactics that are being employed. Could it be that the SBC is being played for a larger political agenda in the cultural sphere? Why is there suddenly such a massive push toward a redefinition of complementarianism? By what standard is the systemic racism idea being pressed upon the SBC? Is the Bible sufficient or must we employ critical theory in order to address problems within the local church and the culture as a whole?
This question is central and I’m excited about a new documentary that is being produced by Founders Ministries where that very question is going to be answered.
By What Standard? God’s World, God’s Rules is a documentary that presses those questions by showing how godless ideologies are influencing evangelical thought and life.
Take a moment to view the trailer for the new film and consider offering your support financially as well. Help us spread the word about this important documentary. No longer are we simply hearing stories about the past—we’re living in the midst of a massive controversy and we have an opportunity to impact the outcome. How can you get involved?
- Watch the trailer
- Consider contributing financially to the project
- Share the link on social media
- Look for ways to engage in conferences and meetings
- Tell the truth to your friends and family
- Tell the truth to your local church
- Show up at the SBC and vote