A Prayer for America

Josh Buice

closeup photo of USA flag

The celebration of America’s birth should be something that all Americans come together to recognize. Without question, America is the greatest nation in the world. Although our nation is not perfect, the Lord has graciously blessed this land and the people who make up this land with unparallelled freedom and resources that has historically made this world a better place.

Deep down within my heart, I’m a red blooded American. I have been raised in a nation of great freedoms and resources. As I’ve traveled the world, I always return back to the land of America with gratitude for my homeland. I’m not proud of the sins of the United States of America, and we must pray earnestly that the Lord will bring restoration to this country through repentance and righteous leadership.

We complain about many things in the public sphere, but as I reflect on the opportunities, freedoms, and blessings of our nation, this is my prayer on the 248th birthday of our nation.

Heavenly Father, as the American flags decorate homes and line our streets this July, I’m reminded of the great blessing that America has been to my family and to the world. We have had such great freedoms and opportunities lavished upon us—much of which we have taken for granted.

As we celebrate the independence of America and the birth of our nation, I pause to thank you for the divine favor that has been extended to this nation historically, and continues to this very day.

Thank you for the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion that have enabled the church to grow, organize, preach, make disciples, and send missionaries to the ends of the world from the soil of America. Such freedom is indeed a wonderful blessing, especially as we view many of the nations throughout the world with great limitations and restrictions on speech and the exercise of religion.

Thank you, O Lord for the resources that have been accessible and available from this nation. Such resources have been used to care for our families and have been used in the free markets that have resulted in opportunities for revenue and business. When I look at the other nations around the world, I see the riches of this land and recognize that the wealth of resources that you have bestowed upon the citizens of America.

I pray for America’s leaders, including President Biden. I pray you will grant him mercy and grace. I pray for President Biden’s salvation and for him to lead righteously in whatever time he has left in office. God, save our President.

Lord, my prayer is that one day we will see America restored as a land that is righteous with leaders who stand for liberty and justice for all. Many of the leaders of our great country are not interested in using their office for just causes. I pray that you will humble the proud and remove leaders from their offices who do not take their God given responsibilities seriously. Grant, O Lord, to the leaders of our nation, humble hearts and wisdom that will guide them in their leadership and guard them from error.

Our Declaration of Independence speaks of “unalienable rights” for the citizens of this nation, and I’m grateful to live in a land that is committed to upholding basic human rights for the citizens of this nation. I’m also ashamed and appalled as I consider the ongoing legal murder of little preborn babies every single year through a system that is perverted, politicized and weaponize. We have leaders who call it “women’s choice” but your Word calls it murder. We continue to witness the slaughter of little preborn babies across America, and that’s nothing short of tragic. I pray that we will see the full abolition of this horrific genocide and that you will raise up America to be the leader of this cause throughout the world.

Heavenly Father, as I look across our nation endued with such rich freedom and opportunity, I see many problems that hinder local churches. Many pastors are not preaching the Scriptures faithfully and multitudes of church members are being entertained to death under the banner of the gospel. It is my earnest prayer and longing to see the church strengthened with sound biblical theology, firm and faithful pastors, and biblical worship that begins with the right preaching of your holy Word. O Lord, I pray that you will revive your church in America!

Finally, it is my earnest prayer and longing to see a great awakening across America. If it be your will, O Lord, I pray that as you strengthen the local churches across this nation that you will send us out into the communities to spread the true gospel of Christ and that you will awaken souls to life and call them out of darkness into your marvelous light by the power of your gospel. I pray that Christ will be lifted up and magnified throughout America. I pray the that the light of the gospel will shine brightly across this land exposing error, reviving souls, and leading sinners to repentance and faith in King Jesus.

I pray that you will do this work to bring honor, glory, and praise to your name—now and forever! Ultimately, our gaze is beyond the borders of America to a better city whose designer and builder is our Lord. I long for the rest that will come in Christ. I pray for your Kingdom to come and your will to be done. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray this prayer,


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Josh Buice

Pastor Pray's Mill Baptist Church

Josh Buice is the founder and president of G3 Ministries and serves as the pastor of Pray's Mill Baptist Church on the westside of Atlanta. He is married to Kari and they have four children, Karis, John Mark, Kalli, and Judson. Additionally, he serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. He enjoys theology, preaching, church history, and has a firm commitment to the local church. He also enjoys many sports and the outdoors, including long distance running and high country hunting. He has been writing on Delivered by Grace since he was in seminary and it has expanded with a large readership through the years.